Jeannde Ford

Title and License
BIOdancePhilia, LLC™️- Founder & Creative Director - Cert. Holistic Arts, Ecotherapy, EFT & Spiritual Kinesiology Practitioner & BIOartist
I am a certified Holistic Arts Practitioner who came into this field through my extensive background as a professional choreographer and dancer as well as comprehensive training in Holistic Coaching, Ecotherapy and EFT. I drew from this broad background to create the BIOdancePhlia Method.
Services Summary

I take nature to people where they are and people to nature with a focus on what science has just begun to scratch the surface in identifying with regards to the depth of our connection to nature which brings to light the harm that the human race is experiencing from that disconnect. The BdP programs are designed to enhance teamwork and leadership through workshops and retreats in educational, residential, community and corporate settings. The 'Honoring Truth of Age Program' ( utilizes the BdP method and is designed to inspire today’s elder population to learn and explore what it is to transition from ‘old’ to ‘Elder’ and reimagine by THEIR design what a thriving Elderhood Community looks like. During this collaboration a deep communicative connection with other living systems is revealed and the threshold of over all health, well-being and creative expression is crossed culminating in a BdP's 'Bridging Earthland Ceremony'. BIOdancePhilia is 'Life's-dance-Connecting to Life', it IS a dance between the Body, Soul & Earth that by design embraces an intergenerational perspective intended to deepen the bond that we all share with other living systems..

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