Carolyn Schuyler

Title and License
Carolyn Schuyler, LCSW Founder and Director
Carolyn Schuyler is the founder and director of Wildrock, a non-profit nature play and discovery center in the Blue Ridge foothills. Wildrock's programs serve a broad and diverse audience. A psychotherapist with a speciality in trauma, Carolyn works to support visitors in accessing the healing benefits of a reciprocal relationship with the natural world. Wildrock's grounds invite playful exploration, creative and imaginative self-expression, and quiet self reflection. Stewardship projects on the property invite practical opportunities to give back to the natural world.
Services Summary

Wildrock's programs emphasize therapeutic play-based learning and ecotherapy practices. Visitors of all ages come for field trips, day retreats, and overnights. Ecotherapy retreats are offered for human service workers. Open community play days are available on Saturdays and select weekdays. Wildrock also runs a urban outreach program connecting children to underutilized green spaces in their own neighborhoods and schools. Stewardship projects engage school communities in reducing plastic waste and planting pollinator gardens.

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